Last time I wrote a review on this application (on the very first version released), I suggested implementing a tool to alter text styles (bold, italics, et cetera) and the developers definitely delivered in this second version! I am appreciative of their sensitivity to user input, unlike some other popular applications (e.g., as many have for ages complained, Tumblr).
Its a great application, very easy to navigate and customize, and the breadth of options here is very nice: font size and style (over 10 different—and all neat—ones now); note background options; folder options . . .
I really love how this application allows for the compartmentalization of different subjects, projects, or anything distinct, in to separate folders that can be thoroughly personally altered (as mentioned) through organization of their respective note overview, choice of folder tab color and insignia for each, naming of folders, et cetera.
It does sort of crash some times (not blacking out, just taking several tries to actually open the application as it will start to load up then close abruptly), or freeze up for a few moments when switching between folders or notes . . . but these are minor functionality flaws that could probably be streamlined with basic/minuscule updates AND using the latest version of aNote ON the latest version of what ever device you have ...
So, WARNING: Trying aNote 2.0 or above on iOS 8 or below will probably prove difficult as I cant imagine it processing quickly enough on the old systems—it would probably be slow or more glitchy (as with the bad effects mentioned, just exemplified).
I would like to see it running more smoothly, responding more quickly and effectively to my navigating between folders and notes (which wasnt an issue with version 1).
It would be cool to have the option for FORMATTING of each note, too—that is, buttons for optional indentation and such things as seen in desktop text programs.
Also, I would like to be able to save notes as .PDF files or something of the sort.
Thanks for the great application, guys. I recommend this application to everyone. I love it.
Meganomaly about Awesome Note 2, v8.5.1